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abec 9 bearings

abec 9 bearings
Author :Admin | Publish Date:2012-06-07 09:32:47

                                                 Abec 9 Bearings


              ABEC 9 bearings for skateboards are widely considered among the majority of   skateboarders as the best skateboard bearings on the market. Contrary to popular belief, this is not always true. ABEC 9 bearings may be some skateboarders' dream come true, but how many actually know what ABEC 9 skateboard bearings actually are?


               Even though ABEC 9 bearings definitely have their fair share of advantages, they do have a few negatives as well. In this article we are going to discuss everything you need to know about ABEC 9 skateboard bearings, including what they actually are and what sets them apart from others, where to buy them, the trusted brands that make them, and of course the almighty pros and cons list.

              Most skateboarders are probably already aware that ABEC 9 bearings are the fastest and smoothest that money can buy (aside from ceramics), but what makes them so different than others? Skateboard bearings are rated on the ABEC scale from 1 to 9 using only odd numbers and are ranked by how smooth they are and how much friction they produce. ABEC 3 bearings and ABEC 5 bearings are usually standard for any complete skateboard that you buy, with ABEC 7 bearings as well as ABEC 9s being upgrades. The higher the ABEC rating, the less friction is involved in the skateboard bearing's rotation, thus making wheels spin more freely with very little drag to slow them down.

              If you like speed, then you'll definitely love ABEC 9 bearings for your skateboard. As we found out earlier, they are the highest rated skateboard bearings that you can possibly get. The reduced friction in ABEC 9 bearings allows for a super smooth ride that you immediately notice the second you start rolling. This allows you to relax a lot more before performing a trick. With the lower rated ones, you have to push off a lot more and exert more energy just trying to pick up speed and makes your legs weaker, causing your trick to be a little sloppier than it could be sometimes.


               Another great thing about ABEC 9 skateboard bearings is that you really don't have much to worry about in terms of maintenance. With such a small amount of friction occurring in them, they don't wear down as easily and don't need lubricated as often as the lower rated counterparts. They won't lock up as easily and they will last significantly longer than the others as well. ABEC 9 bearings are so durable that even if one or two of them do happen to start to bite the dust, you hardly notice it because of how smooth the rest of them are. They also tend to fare a lot better in when they get wet. While most of the lower rated ones will lock up within days or even hours of getting wet, ABEC 9 bearings seem to be able to withstand the water a little more. This does not, however, imply that you should go skateboarding through puddles all the time.

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